What Power Rangers means to me. 

Today is both National Power Rangers day, and is also officially the 30th Anniversary of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. This franchise premiered here in North America on this day, August 28th in 1993. As someone who grew up on Power Rangers and whose life has been changed by the franchise, I figured that to celebrate this momentous occasion I would talk a bit about how much of an affect that this franchise has had on my life and my fandom. My first exposure to Power Rangers would have been through Zeo, which I remember watching as a kid on tapes that my brother would have recorded on tv. Honestly a majority of my Power Ranger love came from vis tapes, whether recorded from a tv or the official episode bundles. For those that don’t know or remember, a lot of shows used to release a bundle of episodes on home media. On VHS tape it would be a group of similar episodes, or a group of multipart episodes as a movie. On dvd it would probably be a group of similar episodes together. That is how a majority of my power rangers watching came from growing up. From Christmas episodes, to the groups of episodes, to the movies. These tapes shaped a lot of my childhood as I rarely watched the show on tv growing up. I do remember catching a few tv episodes from time force, ninja storm, and dino thunder. Outside of that, I still haven’t actually fully finished a season of Power Rangers. I know I know, how can I say i’m a fan when I haven’t even watched a full season. I think it comes from growing up with it, always being around it even when not watching the show. Then I started going on social media, and that reinforced my love for the franchise and opened up the world of interacting with others in the fandom. Power Rangers is part of why I’m into a lot of the things I’m into. My love for Kamen Rider and toku in general wouldn’t be there without Power Rangers. I don’t know if I would have gotten into Super Heroes as much as I have if I didn’t have that Power Rangers base to begin with. As I’ve gotten older my love for it hasn’t died either. While I might view it differently now than I did before, it still has a special place in my heart. It’s silly, campy, ridiculous, and awesome all the same. It helped to build my love for special effects, martial arts content, and was one of the first series I watched that showed you can do more with family/children aimed content. That you can have a show with a good mix of humour and campiness mixed with some serious moments and messages. While it has had its fair share of ups and downs, it’s a franchise that will survive through its fandom and its strength of evolution and adaptability. Which is something that it get’s from its parent franchise of Super Sentai. 

While Power Rangers might currently be in a bit of a dark place with the future of the franchise under Hasbro is in question, It is still a great time to look back on the 30 year history of this franchise. From the show to the movies to the comics and everything in between. This franchise has had a profound impact on my life. So here’s to 30 years and let’s hope for many more. Let’s hope this break we’re about to be on is just what the franchised needed to come back stronger than ever. We still have all these years of shows, movies, and comics, to look back on and experience again and again. 

I know this is more train of thought than usual, but I figured that I should write something up for Power Rangers Day and the 30th Anniversary of the show. It has meant a lot to me through my life and I wanted to express that. I hope everyone enjoys this Power Rangers day and celebrates in their own way. 

Blog Update

Hey everybody, it’s been a while hasn’t it. I’ve been away for a few weeks due to happenstances and this post is going to go into that and what is there to look forward to in the future. So the first and main reason I haven’t posted in a while is that my computer was in for repairs. The screen was cracked and I decided to take it in to be fixed…….I legitimately just got it back a couple hours before writing this post. So ya, it’s kinda hard to use wordpress without a computer. I just now found out that this site also has a mobile app, but I haven’t used it yet. Other than that I’ve been away due to the final two week insanity that is end of term assignments and exams, as well as the usual family holiday stuff.

Now transitioning to what’s going to go on in the future. Going forward I’m going to continue the way I handle my blog, with updates to past reviews with from when i first saw the movie to reflecting with time and rewatches. With the release of Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker I may end up doing a rewatch of the whole franchise leading up to the review of the film, I may alternate between a star wars review and something else before i get to it, so that I can do a more fullrounded review after the initial thoughts, as opinions change with time, an example being my thoughts on the movie, I’ve seen it already but my opinion is already changing in the time since I’ve seen it. After I post that review, I’ll do a post on what I think about the Disney Era of Star Wars as a whole, and any criticisms I have or have had with it.

With that, I hope everyone had a merry christmas, happy holiday, and a happy new year. Looking forward to what 2020 brings.